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Positive Stories about local activities

In Your Corner (Goole Youth Action)
“If I didn’t attend these sessions, I’d genuinely be out and about feeling sorry for myself. I very much came into this with a negative attitude and have come out with a positive one. I’d never been able to find my place and I think I’ve finally found that here.”

Hull KR Foundation
“There’s loads of different kids from different backgrounds and different cultures. You get to learn a lot about them and learn more about yourself as well. It’s a great experience.”

Box Smart (City of Hull Sport & Community Group CIC)
"I have really enjoyed attending the project. I feel more confident and have met new friends and learnt new skills."
Our campaigns
Our campaigns want to educate, empower and inspire young people to make positive choices.
Click on the tiles below to learn more about the campaigns.

Talk to Us! (Trusted Adults)
10 October 2024

Listen to Us! (Trusted Adults)
10 October 2024

Healthy Relationships
9 December 2024

2 December 2024
Hull, Scunthorpe & Grimsby

Breaking the Cycle: Anti-Knife Campaign
28 October 2024
Get help and advice
Feeling unsafe? Need support? These groups offer free, confidential help for people involved with or worried about violence.
If you’re in immediate danger, call 999.

A counselling service for children and young people under 19 who need support or advice on any issue.

The Prince’s Trust
Offers courses to help people aged 11-30 to develop essential life skills, get ready for work and access job opportunities.

Aims to protect children, prevent abuse and transform society so it's safer for children.

The Mix
Connects people under 25 to experts and peers to talk about everything from money to mental health, homelessness to jobs, break-ups to drugs and more.

Helps young people with practical advice, finding support and campaigning for change.
Have your say
We want to hear from you!
What activities or groups do you like being part of?
Are there any hobbies you’ve always wanted to try?
Do you have any ideas to improve existing activities?
Share your thoughts and experiences to help us build a better community.
Or are you a local organisation creating positive change for young people? Please get in touch – we’d love to connect.

Campaign by
This project is being funded by the Police Science Technology Analysis and Research (STAR) Fund, a national fund which exists to support individuals and teams seeking to deliver innovative solutions to current and future policing challenges, and the Humber VPP.
Please be aware, while every care has been taken in the compilation of this information, the Youth Connect Directory and its contents are offered in good faith. Information included in this directory has been provided by the businesses, contractors, organisations and providers, so although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, The Humber Violence Prevention Partnership and OPCC do not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions. Anyone using this directory is advised to check any information offered to their own satisfaction before relying upon it. Inclusion of companies, organisations, products and services in this directory does not imply any form of recognition, recommendation or guarantee by The Humber Violence Prevention Partnership or the OPCC.